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So far admin has created 79 blog entries.

What does the President’s most recent executive action on guns mean for you?

By | 2023-01-24T16:01:03-06:00 April 20th, 2021|Public Policy|

On March 27 a gunman in Boulder, Colorado went on a shooting spree, killing 10 people at a grocery store. This was only days after a shooter in Atlanta went on a spree leaving 8 dead across three spas on March 16. The crescendo to what has been some of our most violent years in recent memory, the Biden administration released an executive order on April 7, 2021 that caught many people’s eye for its addressing of what it calls “ghost guns.” It became clear that many in the public were not sure what ghost guns were, or how a potential regulation of these guns would impact them. Furthermore, there seems to be a lot of panic around the executive [...]

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Environmental Law

By | 2021-04-15T20:12:08-05:00 April 15th, 2021|Podcast|

Ever since Robin Koogler, Esq. joined the Baldwin and Vernon team, we've added environmental law to our areas of expertise. Robin discusses why she focused on environmental laws, her previous projects with the EPA and her visions for Baldwin and Vernon as it pertains to environmental law.

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8 Class A misdemeanors 1 Felony your teen could commit without realizing it

By | 2023-01-24T12:47:28-06:00 March 24th, 2021|Criminal Law|

As the weather gets nicer, our beloved teens will be spending increasingly more time outdoors and socializing with one another. While these social interactions are great for them, there are many “fun” activities that seem harmless but could land them in serious trouble. Here are eight of the most common charges teens receive during the Spring and Summer months: Alcohol. We never want our teens drinking and driving, but it is important to know that all it takes is a BAC of .020 for them to receive a DWI charge if they are under 21 years old. It is always better for them to Uber if they have gotten their hands on any wine, beer, or spirits. Marijuana. Regardless of [...]

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What is the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and how does it apply to you?

By | 2023-01-24T16:07:11-06:00 February 24th, 2021|Age Discrimination, Employee Rights|

In 1967, three years after Congress put in place the Civil Rights Act which prevented workplace discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, or sex, Congress passed the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). The ADEA of 1967 protected individuals over the age of 40, and put them on an even playing field when it comes to being hired, getting fired, and being subject to promotions, benefits, layoffs and trainings. In addition to the ADEA, most states have now passed laws making age discrimination in employment illegal. However, under the Missouri Human Rights Act, the state law only protects those between the ages of 40 and 70 -- allowing for employers to discriminate against employees over the age of [...]

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Government Whistleblowers

By | 2023-01-24T13:00:03-06:00 February 4th, 2021|Podcast|

If you work for the government, you now have certain whistleblower protections. However, there is a short timeline so reaching out to an attorney to discuss your case is as soon as possible is key. This new law even protects government contractors and employees of entities of the state, like a prison.

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