

What is a hostile working environment?

You have likely heard the term “hostile working environment” tossed around by a disgruntled co-worker at some point in your professional career, but what exactly constitutes a hostile working environment? There are several qualifying factors that must be met before a work environment can be considered hostile, and they may not be exactly what you think. While obnoxiously loud, interrupting co-workers can definitely play into a work environment that is less-than conducive for quality work, their actions alone aren’t enough to be considered a hostile working environment. Instead, according to the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a hostile working environment is defined as: “...unwelcome conduct that is based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age [...]

By | 2022-09-27T12:34:14-05:00 February 26th, 2018|Work Environment|Comments Off on What is a hostile working environment?

What are my rights?

A guide to understanding your rights when pulled over by the police When law enforcement pulls you over, you do have rights as a US Citizen — knowing and understanding them can help your case and even prevent you from being detained. Ahead, learn what they are and how to protect yourself. 4th Amendment: Your right to refuse to consent to a search request 5th Amendment: Your right to “remain silent,” or protect yourself from self-incrimination Your right to see an attorney — before a bail bondsman Passengers have the same rights as drivers Your rights during a traffic stop If you’re pulled over for a minor traffic violation, things can still quickly get confusing. First, you do want [...]

By | 2022-09-27T12:34:24-05:00 January 26th, 2018|Employee Rights|Comments Off on What are my rights?