Car insurance is there not only to protect you but to protect the drivers around you. It offers payment for any vehicle damages or medical costs and can prevent you from paying out of pocket for any accidents. Only two states in the country do not require car insurance, and Missouri is not one of them. In Missouri, car insurance is legally required when you register your vehicle or renew your license plates.
Yes, Missouri Citizens Do Require Car Insurance
Under Missouri law, drivers are required to have some type of motor vehicle liability insurance coverage and maintain it throughout their years as a driver. Whether registering your car or being pulled over, you must show proof of your insurance. Liability coverage specifically covers your legal liability if someone or something gets injured because of your actions.
Missouri requires a minimum coverage of:
- $25,000 per person for bodily injury
- $25,000 per accident for property
- $25,000 per uninsured person for bodily injury
- $50,000 per uninsured property for bodily injury
- $50,000 per accident for bodily injury
Requirements for Missouri Citizens and Nonresidents
There are multiple ways to qualify for having car insurance as a Missouri resident. Firstly, you could simply have motor vehicle liability insurance that meets the minimum requirement in Missouri. You could also have proof of financial responsibility filed with the Department of Revenue. Lastly, you can have a certificate of self-insurance issued by the Missouri Department of Revenue. One of these three options must be on your insurance card when you register.
If you are not a resident of Missouri and are simply driving through the state or making the shift to become a Missouri resident, you must obey the insurance regulations within your current state and have the proper documentation in your car.
The Outcomes If You Do Not Have Insurance
As stated, you must have proof of insurance in your vehicle at all times in the case of a traffic stop or accident. If you do not show proof of insurance to law enforcement, it could lead to being given a ticket and a fine. Additionally, if the Missouri Driver License Bureau were to ask for proof of insurance and you can not provide it, you could get your license suspended.
The consequences, laid out through sections 303.042 and 303.042, could change depending on the number of suspicions on your license because of no insurance. Your first suspension will be 0 days with a $20 reinstatement fee, a second suspension within two years will be 90 days with a $200 reinstatement fee, and a third and subsequent suspension will be one year with a $400 reinstatement fee.
Obtaining motor vehicle insurance is an additional responsibility when getting a car and learning to drive, and in Missouri, it is required. If you have further questions or need assistance with any motor vehicle issues, contact the team at Baldwin & Vernon.